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How to create resume for internships in Grad School?

There is plenty of advice out there about resumes. And, some of it contradicts. Some people recommend creating a visual resume that stands out. Some say that your resume should be primarily text.

It all matters in different situations.

Let us focus on grad school internships for now. If you are applying for grad school, then look at my earlier post (includes a free template to download). Ok, so internships are about relevant projects and primarily your work experience. That is what you need to highlight.

Instead of generic gyaan, I am critiquing three real resumes to better understand what kind of mistakes to avoid. You will have to watch the video for that, don’t worry its pretty short.

Key things to remember

  1. Most of the space should be used on relevant professional experience.
  2. Don’t forget to mention the projects and coursework you are currently taking in school.
  3. Don’t forget to mention your LinkedIn profile (and make sure its up to date).
  4. Use the keywords mentioned in the job description.
  5. Keep the formatting (font sizes and spacing) readable.

There you go, I will do few more videos on resume soon. Stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel.

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Proven strategies to get into TOP schools

MS Book by Nistha Tripathi


Data analysis is more important than just having the statistics. Consultancies have the data – the statistics about what range of scores maps on to admits in which school. But more often than not, the mapping gets highly nonlinear !.. ;( You could never quite guess where a student might end up by just looking at his or her scores because the student might have a great research profile or publications too (which count a lot, in addition to having good marks). Now this profile requires a smart an… Read more
Supreeth Rao, WPI (Robotics)