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A motivating story for students

As some of you go for your GRE or other exams, this story may help you getting that extra boost of morale.

There was a boy named Masaru in Japan. When he was young, he wanted to learn & master Judo. Unfortunately, he lost his left hand after an accident. He became very sad. When his father saw his condition, he took him to one the Great Masters of Judo in Japan. After thoroughly analyzing Masaru, the Master told him to come from next day for practice. Masaru became very happy after hearing this. On the first day, the Great Master taught him one trick and instructed him to practice it.

After one week, Masaru came back to the Master and asked for teaching him another trick as had practiced the first one long enough. Master replied him to practice the same trick again & again.

Another week passed, months and years passed.

One day, after 10 years of practice, Master informed Masaru that he has nominated his name for the national championship of Judo which will be conducted in Japan, next month. Masaru was shocked after hearing this as he had been practicing only one trick for the last 10 years. Master told him to be relaxed and calm. One the day of championship, Master advised Masaru to remain calm and concentrate on the fight and use only that trick which he has taught him. Masaru won the first fight and then the second one and gradually, he entered semi finals. He couldn’t believe himself. Master again advised him to remain calm and concentrate on the fight and use the same trick again and again. Masaru managed to enter the finals and then he thought that now it’s time to face the best one in Judo in Japan and the opponent will beat him very easily as he knows only one trick. When Master came to know about this, he gave him the same advice.

After the finals, Masaru won and couldn’t believe himself and started crying out of joy. When Masaru went to Master asked him how it happened, the Great Master replied that for the last 10 years, he has been practicing only one trick and he has become master of that. To counter this trick, the opponent has to hold his left hand which which he didn’t have. His weakness became his strength and he won.

Moral: Understand your strengths and weaknesses. Build strategy that will help you succeed and stick to it. A warrior who has practiced one move 10,000 times is more lethal than another who has practiced 10,000 moves one time. 

1 Comment

  1. Does undergrad school rank matters? If it does which matters most, college rankings or university rankings? I have graduated from SRM Institute of Management and Technology(SRMIMT), Ghaziabad, U.P. , which comes under SRM University. The University is approved by the UGC and by the Union HRD Ministry in 2002-2003 vide notification number F9-9/98-u-3dated 2nd August 2002. Further, the SRMUniversity is accredited by the NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) with a score equivalent to 5- star rating.
    On the other hand, SRMIMT is not ranked well in U.P. (60-80).
    Kindly Acknowledge.
    Thanks in advance,

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