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Cost of MS in USA in INR – how you can afford it


In this post, we discuss how much does it cost to do an MS in USA and why it is affordable for you. Some of the content is taken from the MS Book: Smart Engineer’s Complete Guide to MS in USA.

Understanding Grad School finances

If you are concerned about finances of managing a Master’s degree education, a good way to start is to understand:

  • how much does it cost to do MS in USA
  • how long will it take you to recover your expenses

For this, we need to understand what total expenses you are likely to incur, what kind of income are you expecting after graduation and how much can you save. This is known as break even analysis and I have covered it in detail in the MS book so that you know what to expect. Doing this analysis using the tools in the book will let you feel more comfortable about the decision. 

What is the cost of doing MS in USA?

The cost of MS in USA is a sum total of what you spend in getting there + what you spend after getting there. Following is the breakdown:

  • Taking the tests – $500
  • Applying to Grad Schools – $1000-1500
  • Visa – $600 (F1 and SEVIS fee)
  • Traveling to USA – $1500
  • Tuition fee – $50,000
  • Living Expenses – $18,000

In short, the cost of doing your Master’s in US can go up to $75,000 which comes to ₹50 lac at the exchange rate of 1 USD = INR 75.

How long does it take to recover your money?

For e.g. if you spend $77000 on your MS (tuition + living + interest on loan), getting $14000 in summer internship, paying a 12% interest rate on your loan of Rs 20L, graduating in 4 semesters and saving 40% of your post-tax salary ($84000 p.a), it will take you roughly 3.15 years to break even in worst case. If you find any assistance or on-campus job (which is very feasible and again, discussed in the book) or graduating in 3 or fewer semesters, you can break even sooner.


The details of the calculations are covered in the book. You get to download a sheet (snapshot above) that shows you exactly how long will it take to recover your investment in the Grad School. You can add variables as per your specific scenario and play with it.

Let’s say that the sheet tells you that it will take roughly 2 years to recoup your money. Usually, the starting salary in US far exceeds the package in India at that level upon graduation. You can compare the financial benefits and kind of work exposure you are getting in US to decide whether it makes sense for you.

What did I get from doing an MS in USA?

Professional value

Coming from a middle class family and a mediocre college in Central India, I received admission from MS in CS program at UIUC. That was the 4th best program in the world. From there, I managed to secure an internship at Wall Street for which only 7 people were selected all across the world (I was actually the only girl in there). After getting one of the highest packages ($100,000+) during those days, I decided to get into startups and secured admission to the MBA program at New York University which is 10th best MBA program in the world.

Seeing the world

I have lived in Manhattan, worked at Wall Street and startups. That is where I got to network with some of the finest entrepreneurs and investors in USA. Meanwhile, I traveled the world and finally came to India to work on my own ventures and write. I find my life personally and professionally rewarding and I want you to enjoy yours without compromising on your dreams.  

Finding the joy of helping people

Plus, we have helped some of the students at Scholar Strategy inch towards their dream life. For example, one of our first students, Supreeth, had a failed application season before he joined us. He had a good profile but had some weaknesses. We helped him highlight his strengths, focus on the programs that were better for him and re-apply. He wanted to get into Robotics and he was able to get into one of the Top 10 programs in that field. After a year, he emailed us to inform that he will be interning at Microsoft Research Labs. Now that is what I call a perfect hustle and not giving up till you reach where you want to be.

You would say I got lucky or Supreeth got lucky or I had some advantage that you don’t. But my background will show you that I began just like you are now. And that anyone can reach the places I did. Back in college, I also thought that US education is unaffordable but now I know how wrong I was! It is within your reach. Not only that, I strongly believe it is worth all the expenses.

I devoted an entire section in the MS Book to tell you how to think about money and finances and why MS is totally affordable. But let’s quickly understand how to look at it here.

Education is not an expense but an investment in yourself

I considered my MS fee as an investment and not an expense. If that is how you look at it, then you realize that its not the money that is sinking down the drain but you are gaining:

  • Skills that make you employable
  • A credible degree in the resume
  • A great brand name to help you stand out in the competition

Imagine applying for a job with a credible international grad school degree in your resume. Who is the employer going to recruit? You with a reputed degree from US or someone with a relatively unknown degree in India? 

And with a little hustle, you can manage funding for your education abroad.

Smart Engineer’s Complete Guide to MS in USA


  1. what are chances of getting TA at Stanford for MSCS Indian Student ?

  2. I have been working in Indian Railways with B.Tech. degree in Civil Engineering.My age is 40 years and I have 12 years of experience in civil engineering works in railways.I want to do MS in Civil Engineering with concentration in railroad transportation.My GRE score is 320 & TOEFL IBT is 100.Which universities will be the best for MS in Civil Engineering with concentration in railroad transportation and what will be my chances of getting jobs after my MS.

  3. I was an average student and I didn’t get any gold medal or any such thing in studies. Should I take the risk to go to pursue MS? Considering the fact that I belong to a middle class family? Does this book defines such aspects too? I’m highly interested in MS and this book as well!

  4. Hi Nishta.Jthanks for the article 🙂

    Just wanted to know for candidates with prior industry experience in IT(say >6 years), would the experience be considered for job roles after MSCS even if the technolgies/softwares are different, generally.

    For instance – would someone with prior experience get team lead or middle management role after doing Master’s

  5. What’s that monthly salary of $7000 all about? Are you talking about TA/RA?

    • Salary if you do a corporate internship.

  6. Can I get a hard copy of this??

  7. When will be the book ready to purchase? I am going to apply for fall,2016!

    • within a week, stay tuned!

  8. I am interested in Robotics too. Which schools should I target?

    • That depends on your profile. If you need help with it, you can look at our paid counseling packages.

  9. Are you saying that everyone get assistantships for MS?

    • Hi Sumit,
      Thanks for asking. One can look for assistantships, on campus jobs etc to fund their MS. Even if you don’t get assistantship, there are ways to finance your studies. The important thing is to understand how one should look beyond the fee and understand that since you can get paid much higher in US after pursuing MS, you will still be better off in 5-10 years down the line than if you did not do MS.

      • Do you suggest the same for any course and not just computer science?
        Would you say the same for a biotech/biomed graduate applying for MS in respective fields of study?
        Could you site an example of someone having done a bio related course and not a CSE/Electronics course!

        • this is for engineering disciplines (that is what the book focuses on)

  10. Thank you… this is helpful. I am not sure if my profile is that good, so if one cannot get into very good schools, is MS still worht it?

    • Hi Nikita,
      good profile is a subjective term, the book discusses what you can do to leverage your profile and think how to get into the best school you can. The book also discusses in detail why MS makes sense.

  11. How do I get that excelsheet? It comes with the book?

    • Hi Uday,
      Yes, you can download the excelsheet when you purchase the book.

  12. How benificial is community work towards Ms application?

    • Hi Ashish,
      It does not carry a lot of weight for core MS programs, a little for professional programs like MIS/MEM. Good community experience can be more useful for MBA programs.

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MS Book by Nistha Tripathi


I could see the difference with each review, and the final draft was completely different. Her comments gave my words a soul and made them seem more alive. I was also able to link each of my experiences to my career goal through the brainstorming session, which improved not only my sop but also my future plan.
Maria (EECS) - UCSD, USC